Rhiannon Begg

Parent Trustee

Having become a Parent Trustee in April 2022, I already feel like one of the team! The Trust and staff in all of the schools are welcoming and truly have the children, the staff and the community’s best interests at heart in all that they do.

My passion for SEND and vulnerable children has allowed me a rare insight into the challenges faced by our children and their families both within in our county as well as throughout the nation. I truly believe that with the right support and equity of access, all of our children are able to achieve great endeavours and see their aspirations come true.

I have been lucky enough to work in a variety of roles both within and supporting schools- becoming a Trustee has brought new challenges and further opportunity to support children to develop into successful members of our community.

My background in education has allowed me a real insight into the hard work that occurs in schools each and every day- something that is clearly the case for Samphire Star Education Trust; the staff are dedicated to ensuring children achieve their best outcomes and are proud of their schools and the achievements of them and their student body. I feel truly lucky to have the opportunity to be a part of the exciting transition to the Samphire Star Education Trust and to enhance the education, and ultimately the lives, of the children we serve.

I have quickly become very proud of the Trust and all of the great successes we hear about every day.