Model of Governance


The Members are the guardians of the governance of the Trust and define the Object, Purpose and Ethos of the Company.  Members can direct the Trust Board where required to ensure those elements are met to secure the success of the Trust.  


Our Members

Mr Gordon Cowan

Mr Andrew Ireland

Mrs Bernie Mayall

Mr Barry Williams


Trust Board

Mr Ryan Davies (Chair)

Mrs Carol Boxall (Vice Chair, SEND and Safeguarding Trustee)

Miss Rhiannon Begg

Dr Ken Powell 

Miss Sarah Smith

Mr Ayaz Khan

Mr Ed James

Mrs Nathalie Geary

Miss Jade Louise Pryde

Mrs Joanna Boughtwood

Mr David Meades

Audit and Risk Committee

Miss Jade Louise Pryde (Chair)

Mr Ken Powell 

Mrs Nathalie Geary

Mr Ed James

Mr Neil Castle - Commitee Member

Local Governance - School Council

Mrs Carol Boxall (Chair)

Mr Ed James

Miss Jade-Louise Pryde

Miss Rhiannon Begg

Mrs Joanna Boughtwood

Miss Fiona Bradley - Commitee  Member

Mrs Val Clough - Commitee Member


Mr David Meades (Chief Executive Officer and Accounting Officer)

Mr James Darnley (Chief Operating Officer)


Mr Lee Kane

Miss Mel O’Dell

Mrs Helen Castle

Trust Administration Assistant

Mrs Sophie Davies

Governance Documents